Trump Wins CPAC’s 2024 Straw Poll By Landslide

Former President Trump dominated the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) straw poll on Sunday with 55 percent of participants picking President Trump as their preferred 2024 choice.

President Trump held a massive 34 point lead ahead of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) who received 21 percent of the vote.

Only 4 percent of respondents said they would pick South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R).

Almost 7 in 10 of the poll’s participants said they would like to see Trump run for president in 2024.

Ninety-five percent said they want the Republican Party to continue with Trump’s agenda and policies.

The poll gave President Trump a 97 percent approval rating with 87 percent who strongly approved.

CPAC tweeted out the video footage of Jim McLaughlin reading out and explaining the poll results, it is shared below:

CPAC’s poll results are in stark contrast to the current media narrative that claims the Republican Party is fractured. If the polls are an accurate depiction of how the conservative movement feels, it would appear President Trump remains the most popular figure by a large margin.

The 2024 nomination is likely President Trump’s if he decides to run for office again. If President Trump were not to run for office, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis appears to the be the GOP’s top choice at the moment.

DeSantis garnered 43 percent of the vote in CPAC’s 2024 straw poll that did not include President Trump with Governor Kristi Noem coming in a distant second at 11 percent of the vote. Nikki Haley received a miniscule 3 percent of the vote in the straw poll.

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