WATCH: Joe Biden Messes Up Democrat Names, Asks ‘What Am I Doing Here?’ in Bizarre Moment

President Biden botched his speech on Friday while trying to read the names of Democrat Members of Congress, causing the 78 year old President to ask, “What am I doing here?”

Biden was visiting those affected by last week’s freezing weather in Houston during the mishap.

The video footage immediately went viral on Twitter showing the aging President mix up his words gaining over 2 million views.

Biden read, “Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Pinneli— excuse me, Pinell, and, uh, what am I doing here?”

“I’m going to lose track here, and, uh, um— Mayor Turner, Judge Hidalgo, uh, thank you all for welcoming us,” Biden said.

Biden has struggled to maintain his composure in public while making appearances in his official capacity as President.

On Thursday of last week the President struggled to remember his mask while meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

On his first trip on Air Force One the President can be seen briefly stumbling while walking up the stairs onto the iconic plane.

Many right wing journalists and pundits have questioned whether President Biden will make it through his first term in office, most do not expect him to run for re-election in 2024 due to his age.

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