Real News With A Patriotic Bias.
US News & Politics
DeSantis accuses Biden of targeting Florida by denying access to COVID treatment
Governor Ron DeSantis is considered a top contender to run against Biden in 2024…
Florida School District FINALLY Drops Mask Mandate After 8-Year-Old Is Suspended 38 Times for Not Complying
Governor Ron DeSantis has already told schools they could not forcibly mask students, but leftist school administrators ignored the order…
DeSantis threatens to send illegal migrants to Biden’s home state, Delaware
DeSantis is hitting back at the Biden administration’s plan to secretly fly thousands of illegal migrants into Florida…
Governor Ron DeSantis announces 2022 re-election bid
DeSantis is also considered a viable candidate for the 2024 presidential election.
Disgusting! Leftists celebrate cancer diagnosis for Ron DeSantis’ wife
Far-left radicals cheered the news online…
These 21 Governors have spoken out against Biden’s new vaccine mandates
President Joe Biden plans to trample the Constitution -- but he’s facing an uphill legal battle…
“Get Out Of The Way,” Florida Governor DeSantis SLAMS Biden
As inflation surges and the White House is losing support, Biden has pivoted to attacking the popular conservative governor…
Governor DeSantis calls for investigation into Ben and Jerry’s over Israel boycott
The Republican governor has sent a letter to a state board that invests Florida government employee dollars, asking it to look into the matter…
Ron DeSantis finishes first in early 2024 straw poll
The Florida Republican Governor was the top choice of conservative activists at a recent summit. ..