Real News With A Patriotic Bias.
US News & Politics
REPORT: University of Virginia paid Critical Race Theory lecturer $541 per minute
University of Virginia took taxpayer dollars and sent it to a far-left activist and CRT proponent Ibram Kendi for a one hour speech…
Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife donates $130 million to group pushing far-left agenda in schools
Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, is reportedly donating $130+ million to Communities In Schools, an organization that advocates…
BLM Activists Tell Students ‘Crime is Made Up’ and Jail is Enslavement
Black Lives Matter activists gave an unhinged talk to 150+ people in Spring 2020, telling students in attendance that “crime is made up…
REPORT: Armed Agents in Texas School District Arrest Parents
The public school appears to have taken its instruction from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who ordered federal law…
REPORT: Woke Salvation Army asks donors to apologize for “white-dominant culture”
It appears the charitable organization is moving to the far-left, embracing a leftist racial agenda. The Salvation Army denies….
January 6th Prisoners Claim They’re Being “Force Fed” Critical Race Theory in Jail
CRT tells white people they are inherently racist and is frequently used to make white people feel bad about things they had nothing…
“We’ve got to take these motherf***ers out,” Rutgers Professor praises low white birth rates
Brittney Cooper also called white people “villains”…
Merrick Garland’s son-in-law owns education company that supports critical race theory
The attorney general recently ordered the FBI to investigate parents who speak out against the racist ideology of CRT and who oppose…
Poll: Race relations reach all-time low
After years of Black Lives Matter riots and corporate giants pushing a leftist racial agenda, race relations are at an all-time low…