Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife donates $130 million to group pushing far-left agenda in schools

Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, is reportedly donating $130+ million to Communities In Schools, an organization that advocates for diversity, equity and inclusion principles to be taught in taxpayer funded schools.

The ex-wife of Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, Mackenzie Scott, is using some of her money to support left-wing, divisive concepts in the classroom.

“Communities In Schools, a national organization working to support student access to education and resources, announced the $133.5 million donation from Scott on Thursday. The investment is reportedly intended to broaden the efforts of the organization and expand its mission in schools across the country,” The Daily Caller reported.

In one of the group’s resources guide in a section called “Icebreakers and activities with a focused diversity, equity, and inclusion lens for children, youth, and families” it includes a speech from a Black Panther leader titled “Black Power” and other resources intended to teach children social justice and equity.

“Our national goal is to bring our model inside of every one of the 70,000 Title I-eligible schools in the country; currently, we operate in 3,000 schools – so we still have a long way to go, and we will need ongoing support to get there,” the organization said.

The organization admitted to already be spreading their propaganda in over 3,000 classrooms, now imagine what they will do with 130 more million dollars.

Communities In Schools pushes for DEI training in school classrooms and has defended the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Communities In Schools also opposed efforts across the U.S. to prevent critical race theory from being taught in schools, defending the practice as challenging “everyone’s role in acknowledging that racism exists and asks what they are doing to help eliminate it.”

Should Communities In Schools be barred from public schools? Should Critical Race Theory be banned too? Let us know below!


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