Zlatan Ibrahimovic to LeBron James: 'Do What You're Good At,' Stay Out of Politics

International superstar soccer player, Zlatan Ibrahimovic recently said in an interview that LeBron James and other athletes should “stay out of it” when talking about the relationship between politics and sports.

LeBron “is phenomenal at what he's doing, but I don't like when people have some kind of status, they go and do politics at the same time,” the soccer player told Discovery+ in Sweden.

"Do what you're good at. Do the category you do. I play football because I'm the best at playing football. I don't do politics. If I would be a political politician, I would do politics.”

"That is the big first mistake people do when they become famous and they become in a certain status. Stay out of it. Just do what you do best because it doesn't look good."

The video footage of Ibrahimovic is shared below:

Throughout LeBron’s career, especially since 2015, he has been very vocal and involved in national politics and social issues.

His activism even once earned him a shoutout from Fox News Host Laura Ingraham where she told the controversial basketball star to “shut up and dribble.”

James also caused controversy when he endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2015 while hosting a massive rally in his home state of Ohio. His efforts failed as President Trump carried the state, but that moment drew a line in the sand for James and his activism.

When LeBron was asked about Ibrahimovic’s remarks he said he had no plans to stop talking about issues he felt were important.


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