“You’re Next” LeBron James Tweets Photo of Columbus Officer Present at Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting

NBA Superstar LeBron James tweeted out a photo of a police officer who was present when Ma’Khia Bryant was shot, with the caption, “You’re Next.”

The officer has been identified as officer Nicholas Reardon

“YOU’RE NEXT” the NBA superstar said while tweeting out an hourglass emoji and the hashtag “ACCOUNTABILITY.”

The tweet was deleted by the superstar who left his hometown TWICE while playing in the NBA, however users were able to capture screenshots.


Conservative commentators and journalists immediately jumped on the NBA player for his controversial comments.

Dana Loesch commentated that, “apparently the life of the girl nearly stabbed to death didn’t matter,” referring to the young girl who was about to be stabbed by the shot teenager at the scene.

Chuck Ross called out LeBron saying that he would have, “tweeted this same thing if the cop had just sat there while a girl was stabbed.”

Many fans find that the NBA no longer is about playing entertaining basketball, but about pushing policies supported by the left-wing of the Democratic Party — LeBron James’ now deleted tweet is just another example of that for distressed fans.

Do you still watch the NBA? Do you think basketball players should play their sport and not try to be political commentators? Share your thoughts below!


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