Major League Baseball is Surveying Fans About Their Political Affiliation

Major League Baseball (MLB) is reportedly now polling their fans on their political affiliation in a new postgame survey about their fan experience.

The question regarding political affiliation is part of a fan survey the MLB is conducting with fans about ballpark experience, which the MLB is claiming is going to be used to gain knowledge on fan preferences and feelings.

The survey comes after a recent poll shows the MLB favorability ratings among Republican voters has plummeted due to the league’s decision to move their all-star game out of Georgia in protest to the voter integrity bill signed into law by GOP Governor Brian Kemp.

Major League Baseball officials have claimed the surveys and the recent poll numbers being released are not related, and the MLB added that they had actually started asking the political affiliation question dating back to the 2020 season.

However many conservative fans have raised questions about how Major League Baseball plans to use their survey information and if it will possibly used for a “woke” agenda.

In the survey respondents are given options besides Republican and Democrat. They can choose Third Party, Independent, “I’d prefer not to say,” and they’re also able to skip the question altogether.

“Taking the survey and answering that question are completely voluntary,” the MLB said.

Sports leagues and major corporations have been increasingly involving themselves into politics and political activism in recent years causing a growing level of discontent within the fan base.

A recent poll released found that the MLB’s favorability rating among Republicans plummeted after the All-Star Game decision, reducing their rating from 47 percent in March to just 12 percent in April.

Do you think Major League Baseball should be asking fans about their political affiliation? Is this just another attempt to turn sports into a woke political experience? Comment your thoughts below!


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