Woke NBA ratings tank as viewers tune out after years of leftist political activism

The NBA has moved to the far-left, pushing anti-cop and anti-American messages while cozying up to China, possibly leading to lower TV ratings.

The National Basketball Association has pushed anti-cop messages while cozying up to China, and the activism has affected its ratings.

“The NBA has suffered another ratings disaster, with ABC falling 45 percent since the 2011-12 season, while TNT was down 40 percent, and ESPN was off 20 percent,” Breitbart reported.

“This ratings tumble is nothing new, granted. The past two NBA finals each have fallen one over the other, with last year’s down 51 percent to an all-time low for the championships. The worst was the final game, off nearly 70 percent year-over-year,” Warner Todd Huston reported.

“To stick with more recent trends, the past two NBA Finals crashed to double-digit declines, with the most recent falling down 51% to an all-time record low,” Bobby Burack at OutKick Sports noted.

A 2020 poll explained the ratings drop, with nearly 4 in 10 fans saying the league has become “too political.” This number could be even higher, since the poll only includes fans, so it might miss people who have stopped watching completely because of the activism.

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Many fans find that the NBA no longer is about playing entertaining basketball, but about pushing policies supported by the left-wing of the Democratic Party.

Do you still watch the NBA? Do you think basketball players should play their sport and not try to be political commentators? Share your thoughts below!


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