NBA players criticize Georgia, but proudly wear Nike which exploits Chinese labor

The NBA All Star game proved to be a massive waste of time with the dwindling game hitting an all-time low in ratings and viewership.

Left-wing NBA players will criticize an American state for passing election integrity laws -- but they have no problem helping Nike, which uses Chinese slave labor.

The NBA and shoe company Nike have a dirty secret -- they have no problem criticizing Georgia, but they are quiet on the human rights abuses of Nike and China.

“The NBA and many of its players have struck multimillion-dollar deals with various Chinese companies, many of which proudly use cotton raised by slave labor,” Breitbart reported.

“Even as the whole of the league continues its woke politics supporting Black Lives Matter, condemning Republicans, and attacking states passing election integrity laws, they also continue working hand-in-hand with the communist Chinese who continue to employ slave labor despite international pressure to end the practice,” Breitbart noted.

Nike, which opposed Georgia’s election integrity law, also opposed a law that would have prevented Muslim slaves in China from being used to pick cotton -- cotton relied on by the billion dollar corporation.

NBA players were generally silent when China cracked down on democracy protesters in Hong Kong in 2019.

While LeBron James loves to spout off on a number of political issues, he attacked a general manager in the NBA for sharing criticism of China.

He called the Houston Rockets general manager “misinformed or not really educated” for sharing a meme critical of the Chinese government.

Should the NBA cut ties with Nike and China? Do you believe that LeBron James is a hypocrite? Share your thoughts below!


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