Olympic Activist Gwen Berry Fails to Medal, Almost Finishes Dead Last

The activist Olympian has repeatedly bashed America -- and then failed to win at the Olympics.

Gwen Berry should have spent more time in the gym or practicing the hammer throw and less time thinking about her Black Lives Matter activism.

“Berry failed to medal Tuesday after finishing 11th in her event. There were only a total of 12 competitors,” the Daily Caller reported “and she’ll now return back to America empty-handed.”

“When you put on the red, white and blue, you represent the entire nation. It’s not about the individual. It’s about the country, and there’s no room for protesting,” David Hookstead wrote in his piece for the Daily Caller.

“Days before her showing at the trials, Berry told The Washington Post that representing America has been an issue for her since the country allegedly works to disenfranchise black Americans,” The Daily Wire reported.

Do you think Olympians should have to be proud of the United States to represent us? Do you think activism should stay separate from sports? Let us know below!


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