NBA Star Uses Anti-Semitic Slur on Live Stream

Meyers Leonard a NBA star for the Miami Heat might be in hot water after appearing to drop an anti-Semitic racial slur while playing video games on a live stream.

In a video tweeted by MainTeamSports Leonard appeared to called someone a “k*ke b*tch” while playing Call of Duty.

You can watch the full video below (beware of foul language):

A few moments after the alleged incident, Leonard appeared to get a concerning phone call, and had to step away from the game.

It’s baffling that in today’s day and age, a NBA star live streaming to thousands of people would utter such words.

The NBA player released a statement on his Instagram after the fact apologizing for actions and adding that he “didn’t know what the meant at the time.”

Only time will tell if Leonard’s apology will be enough to prevent cancel culture from claiming their next victim.

Do you believe Leonard’s apology? Should he be cancelled or punished by the Miami Heat for his words? Do you think he actually did not know the meaning of the word? Comment your thoughts below!


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