OPINION: MLB’s All-Star game move will enrich white Americans at the expense of black Americans

MLB pulled the All-Star game out of the heavily black Atlanta to the primarily white city of Denver to protest Georgia’s recently election integrity laws.

Major League Baseball wanted to show its supposed wokeness and support for African-Americans in the face of an unfairly criticized Georgia election integrity bill recently signed by Governor Brian Kemp.

But in moving the All-Star game this summer to Denver, Colorado, the MLB is actually taking away money from black Americans and redistributing it to white Americans in a state with voting laws that are similar to Georgia.

“According to the US Census Bureau, Atlanta, Georgia, has a population that is 51.0 percent black,” The National Pulse reported.  “According to the same source, Denver, Colorado has a population that is only 9.8 percent black. These facts seem to indicate that, as usual, leftists activists and organizations such as MLB are only virtue-signaling rather than really trying to show constructive support for black Americans.”

Colorado’s voting laws are similar in many ways to Georgia’s, exposing the hypocrisy of the MLB.

“All voters who vote at the polls must provide identification,” the Colorado Secretary of State’s website says. “If you are voting by mail for the first time, you may also need to provide a photocopy of your identification when you return your mail ballot,” the New York Post points out in a recent article.

Furthermore, the move will likely ensure that white business owners cash in on the All-Star game, instead of the money going to black business owners and black neighborhoods.

Cobb County, where Atlanta is located, has calculated the value of the game at $100 million. Now, instead of money going to black-owned restaurants, tips going to black waiters and black homeowners making money by renting rooms through AirBnb, those dollars will go, most likely to white Coloradorans.

“The Cobb County Travel and Tourism Bureau estimates that losses from Major League Baseball’s decision to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta total more than $100 million,” WSBTVreported.

Black Uber and Lyft drivers won’t be able to make money thanks to the decision by the MLB. Major events often require millions of dollars in spending on local security services and overtime for law enforcement officers. Most of this money would likely have gone to black Atlanta residents or black Cobb County residents.

Nearly 58 percent of the Atlanta police force is black, whereas less than 10 percent to the Denver police force is black, according to governing.com.

Instead of supporting black Americans, many of whom support voter ID, the MLB has enriched white Americans in the interest of political correctness. 

Sounds like they whiffed big and struck out on its activism.

Should the MLB apologize for hurting black Americans? Do you think they made a mistake? Tell us in the comments below!


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