ESPN writer disturbed by the sight of American flags at the Olympics

Sportswriter William Rhoden said the sight of the American flag at the opening ceremony reminded him of January 6th.

A leftist sportswriter felt the need to bash the American flag and throw around the overused “white nationalism” complaint when discussing the Tokyo Olympics.

William Rhoden is another sports journalist who thinks his job is to provide political commentary instead of talking about sports.

Rhoden said:

I love the opening ceremonies, march of countries. Then I realized, you know, man, particularly after these last four years, I had it wrong. Nationalism is not good. We’ve seen the rise of white nationalism.

“So now when I see the flag and the flag raised, what — what America am I living in? You know, are the ones that don’t think, you know, [black people] should be here.”

Do you think sports writers should write about sports and not insert political commentary? Do you think we should keep politics out of sports? Share your thoughts below!


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