Daily Wire hires ESPN reporter who quit job over vaccine mandate

College football reporter Allison Williams said she is concerned the vaccine could hamper her goal to conceive a child.

Liberals say they want to support women and help females have the same opportunities as men.

Yet, the leftist Disney company has forced out a female reporter who wants to get pregnant because she has made the personal medical decision to not take a COVID vaccine.

“Reporter Allison Williams, who a week ago announced she would step down from her duties covering college football for the network, said in an Instagram Live post that she had decided to leave ESPN,” The Hill reported.

“I understand vaccines have been essential in the effort to end this pandemic; however, taking the vaccine at this time is not in my best interest,” Williams said.

Many Americans have chosen to get vaccinated. Others have decided not to, perhaps for religious or medical reasons.

The Dailywire later announced they hired Williams to provide commentary on sports.

In a free country it is important to protect people’s individual rights to choose to take a vaccine or to choose not to.

Do you think Allison Williams should file a federal discrimination lawsuit against ESPN and Disney? Do you think we should respect people’s personal decisions about the vaccine? Let us know below!


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