Major League Baseball is moving US jobs overseas to China

Hard-working Americans are losing jobs as the MLB tries to win over Communist party leaders.

Baseball is America’s past-time, but the liberals who run the MLB want to make it China’s future.

That’s led to the MLB taking away jobs from hard-working Americans to appease the Chinese Communist Party. This is the same MLB who pulled the All-Star Game from Georgia after the state passed basic election security measures.

“Major League Baseball is expanding its partnership with the Chinese Communist Party, coming at the expense of U.S. jobs and growing Chinese influence over America's pastime,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The conservative outlet explained:

The league has grown its network to more than 100 Chinese baseball teams in 20 cities, with a growing fanbase of millions. The league's operations in cahoots with Beijing are not just limited to play—quality U.S. jobs are also at stake. Miken Sports, a baseball equipment brand that provides business to the league, folded a Minnesota production plant and moved its nearly 70 jobs to China.

“Baseball is considered to be America’s national pastime, “ Republican Congressman Jim Hagerdon said, “so it is completely outrageous that the MLB has decided to shut down the Miken Sports plant in Caledonia and outsource American jobs to communist China—directly defying the MLB’s position as an American sports league.”

He is trying to help save the jobs of blue-collar Americans in his district and state who are seeing their livelihoods stripped away by leftists in China and at the MLB.

Do you think we should boycott the MLB? Do you think the MLB cares more about China than the hard-working Americans in Minnesota or Chicago? Let us know below!


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