Biden Inserts Himself Into Texas Rangers’ Decision To Play With Full Capacity

Liberals criticized Trump for discussing the NFL and kneeling -- but now it’s okay for the president to insert himself into the decisions of MLB teams.

Illegal immigrants are surging into the country, China and Iran are making deals to undermine the U.S. position of leadership in the world and there have been two attacks in the past several weeks linked to likely Islamic extremists.

So President Biden has decided the best place for him to focus his energy is on the decision by the Texas Rangers to play in front of a full stadium on Opening Day. Seriously?

TMZ Sports reported:

"I think it's a mistake," Biden told ESPN on Wednesday night. "They should listen to Dr. Fauci, the scientists and the experts. But, I think it's not responsible."

Here’s an idea -- if President Biden is so concerned about what the Rangers are doing, him and VP Harris should take a trip down to Texas to talk to the owners.

Or, better yet! He could take a trip to the Texas-Mexico border and talk to border patrol agents about the disturbingly high number of criminal gang members and sex offenders crossing the border.

Should Joe Biden mind his own business and focus on securing the southern border? Do you care what Biden thinks about baseball? Tell us in the comments below!


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