MLB Bows To Cancel Culture, Pulls All Star Game From Georgia Over Election Integrity Law

Major League Baseball released a statement Friday condemning the Georgia election bill while promising to relocate their All-Star game to a new host city, the game was previously scheduled to be held in Atlanta, Georgia.

Major League Baseball’s 91st All-Star game had been scheduled for July 13 at SunTrust Park in Atlanta, Georgia. Commissioner of Baseball Robert D Manfred Jr issued the following statement.


“Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box” the statement reads but fails to address any specifics about the bill or what restrictions any Georgians would face.

Less than a week ago MLB Players Association executive director Tony Clark said that players were interested in moving this summer’s MLB All-Star game.

New York Times best selling author, Brigitte Gabriel, told her followers Major League Baseball will “deeply regret this decision.”

Ohio State Representative Mike Loychik told his growing following “Pathetic to see MLB bowing to the woke mob and activist media who hate baseball and America’s traditions.”

The Cleveland Indians have been hit hard by cancel culture, first seeing the retiring of the iconic ‘Chief Wahoo” logo and now a total team rebrand.

Do you think the MLB caved to a woke mob? Is cancel culture getting out of control? Do you support Georgia’s election reform bill? Comment your thoughts below!


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