VP Kamala Harris Says The United States, “Should Have An Assault Weapons Ban”

On CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris called on lawmakers across the country to pass “an assault weapons ban.”

CNN anchor Dana Bash asked Harris, “More broadly, there have been at least 50 mass shootings in America in a little over a month. Your administration has made clear that infrastructure is the next big legislative priority. Why not guns? Anthony Fauci told me over the weekend that gun violence is a public health emergency.”

In the CNN interview the former California Senator said that, “We should have an assault weapons ban. Assault weapons have been designed to kill a lot of people quickly. They are weapons of war, and Congress has to account, Dana.”

Harris continued on to clarify saying, “I mean, you know, I was recently in Connecticut. Senators Murphy and Blumenthal and the governor there, so many people, the families of Sandy Hook. You know, I honestly thought that when those babies, 26 seven-year-old children, were slaughtered, I thought Congress would act. I thought that would be the thing, and it didn’t happen.”

CNN’s Dana Bash pressed, “But do you think it can happen?”

Harris replied by asserting, “It has to happen.”

Bash continued to press asking, “My question was about your priority as an administration.”

VP Kamala Harris concluded that, “It is part of our priority. We have to multitask. Not one to the exclusion of the other.”

Are you worried about the Biden-Harris Administration’s gun control legislation? Do you believe your Constitutional rights are under attack? Do you support an assault weapons ban? Comment your thoughts below!


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