United Auto Workers REJECT Ford Plan To Build New Electric Car in Mexico Versus Ohio

The United Auto Workers union announced they are rejecting Ford's recent plan to build a new electric vehicle in Mexico, rather than Ohio.

Union Leaders says Ford is putting 'corporate greed’ and more potential profits over Americans.

The UAW union reached a deal with Ford to commit a $900 million investment in its Avon Lake, Ohio plant but the union condemned the company's decision to manufacture the new electric vehicle in Mexico.

"We 100% reject the company’s decision to put corporate greed and more potential profits over American jobs and the future of our members," said UAW president Gerald Kariem wrote in a statement dated March 12.

The conservative National Security organization, ACT For America, Tweeted the following regarding Ford’s decision to move.

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown told Cleveland News 5 the following, "I know the president of the United States, I know what he thinks about these kinds of decisions and the trade policy that we have in far too many cases - the Trump tax plan for instance - incentives for companies to move overseas and we've got to roll back those tax breaks, we've got to change our trade policy, we began to do that with USMCA but this can't stand.”

Senator Brown went on to say, "When they make a promise in a negotiated bargaining session, they make a promise to do an additional investment and then they decide well we'll take the investment elsewhere, that just can't stand. So I'm talking to the administration, talking to Ford, we're fighting back on this one."

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