WATCH: Speaker Pelosi on Armed GOP Members in the House, ‘The Enemy Is Within’

Speaker Pelosi announced that the House will likely allocate more money to protect them from violent rioters and also from the “enemy within,” referring to GOP Members of Congress who have been attempting to carry firearms in the Capitol building.

"We will probably need a supplemental budget for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives -- a threat that members are concerned about in addition to what is happening outside," Speaker Pelosi stated on Thursday.

When asked to clarify her remarks, Speaker Pelosi specifically called out fellow GOP members of Congress.

The C-SPAN 3 coverage of Pelosi’s Thursday press conference is embedded below:

The GOP Members attempting to carry firearms onto the House Floor are all law abiding responsible gun owners who have not made any threats to their colleagues. Pelosi and Democrat Members are essentially saying that the act of carrying a firearm is putting other Congress members in danger.

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