Biden Climate Czar John Kerry Still Owns a Private Jet

President Joe Biden’s top environmental policy advisor, John Kerry, still owns a private jet despite implementing policies and regulations aimed at restricting fossil fuels.

A Gulfstream Aerospace jet is currently owned by Flying Squirrel LLC, the name of Teresa Heinz-Kerry’s private charter jet company, Fox News reported Wednesday. It is still very unclear how much John Kerry has benefited from his wife’s company.

Private jets are notorious for distributing immense amounts of pollution that is from the burned jet fuel.

FAA records show the registration certificate was issued July 2005 and runs through October 2023.

Ohio State Representative, Michael Loychik, pointed out Kerry’s recent hypocrisy with regards to a wind project Kerry supported until he discovered it would be located near his residence in Cape Cod.

New York Times Best-Selling Author and Conservative Commentator, Brigitte Gabriel took to Twitter to remind everyone of the Obama Administration’s failed solar policy history with the now defunct company Solyndra.

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