Biden Signs Executive Order Halting New Fracking/Drilling Leases on Federal Land

President Biden called Global Warming a crisis, comparing it to COVID-19, as he signed yet another executive order, this one pausing new oil and gas leasing on public land while also placing reviews on existing leases.

In a bizarre decision made by the Biden Administration, they put pause on all new oil and gas leases on federal land for at least 1 year, despite the fact that fossil fuel leasing on federal and tribal land makes up a very small percentage of onshore production.

According to the Interior Department, the leases in question generated more than $8 billion for federal, state, local and tribal governments last year.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said it “will harm American energy and send more business to our international competitors” in a speech on the Senate Floor.

The speech from Cornyn is embedded below:

Conservatives like Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation have pledged to fight Biden’s Executive Orders in the courts, citing the Mineral Leasing Act, a law which states that the Department of Interior and the Bureau of Land Management must offer lease sales.

If Biden’s energy related orders become law, America will most likely have to shift how they create and consume energy drastically.

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