Science Magazine Pledges to Start Using “Climate Emergency” in Lockstep with Mainstream Media

A science magazine that has turned into a left-wing activist publication will start pushing “climate emergency” as the latest way to scare people along with other media outlets.

For years, scientists and the media warned about “global cooling.” That turned out to be a massive blunder. Then they started warning about “global warming” but people saw right through that.

Now that “climate change” is apparently failing to convince people to support big government, socialist schemes, leading “scientists” and publications are going to try a new one: “climate emergency.”

Media orgs are colluding to ensure that they can peddle fear.

“Given the circumstances, Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term “climate emergency” in its coverage of climate change,” the left-wing activist magazine, which endorsed Joe Biden in 2020, said.

“This idea is not a journalistic fancy. We are on solid scientific ground,” the publication said, echoing a common canard of journalists -- to quote “scientists.”

“Journalism should reflect what science says: the climate emergency is here,” the left-wing activist publication said. It then cited a number of other left-wing and mainstream media publications who have agreed to push panic on people and included a statement explaining the decision.

Do you think the media should stop trying to push climate change fear? Do you wish journalists just reported the facts instead of pushing an agenda? Share your thoughts below!


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