Conservative Commentators BLAST Kamala Harris for Failure to Address Immigration Crisis

Adriana Cohen took apart VP Harris for her failure to lead on the issue of immigration and stopping the crisis at the southern border.

The crisis as the southern border is growing, as illegal immigrants flood our country after President Biden weakened border enforcement.

He appointed VP Kamala Harris to lead on the effort, but nearly three weeks after that announcement, she is nowhere to be seen on the border.

“Harris' glaring absence at the border and U.S. detention facilities that house thousands of illegal immigrants and unaccompanied minors is a political misstep,” Adriana Cohen wrote recently at Fox News.

“She is squandering a golden opportunity to demonstrate leadership to the American people and convince voters, on both sides of the aisle, she's capable of being president someday.”

Cohen said that Harris is “taking a backseat from her new role” and she should be “assembling an all-star team of immigration and homeland security experts, child welfare advocates and humanitarian professionals to address the spiraling crisis.”

Harris has not led on this issue, however, revealing a lack of political acumen and leadership ability.

Cohen urged her to visit the border and organize press conferences.

“That type of hands-on leadership is something she could and should highlight when she runs for president in 2024, if not sooner, should Biden fail to serve out his four-year term,” the commentator said.

However, Cohen suggested that Harris might be afraid to fail.

“The reality is if the vice president can't handle securing the U.S. border, stemming the massive tide of illegal immigration and drug and human trafficking, then she's unfit to be commander in chief,” Cohen said.

Do you agree that VP Harris has failed to lead? Should she admit that she cannot handle her responsibilities? Let us know in the comments below!


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