Rep Jerry Nadler: “We’re not packing the Supreme Court, We’re Unpacking It”

Congressional Democrats rolled out a bill to expand the Supreme Court from nine to thirteen members but bizarrely claimed they were “unpacking” it.

Democrats in Congress are once again making news for struggling to use words. Four Democrats, led by 5’3” tall Jerry Nadler (D-NY), announced their legislation Thursday at a press conference outside the Supreme Court.

“Some people will say we’re packing the court. We’re not packing it, we’re unpacking it,” said Nadler.

Later, Nadler accused Republicans, specifically Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, of “packing” the court for filling Supreme Court vacancies during the Trump presidency.

The 5’3” Nadler was joined by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and fellow House Democrats Mondaire Jones (NY) and Hank Johnson (GA).

Representative Johnson is best known for his assertion that moving 8,000 US Military personnel to Guam may cause the island to “tip over and capsize.

Court Packing was opposed by progressive icon Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2019, who said, “If anything would make the court appear partisan it would be that.”

The bill is expected to face tough prospects for passage as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quick to weigh in and state she had “no plans” to bring the bill to a floor vote.

Pelosi has previously signaled support for President Joe Biden’s commission to examine court “reforms” but has again prompted criticism from the progressive wing of the Democratic party for her lack of support for this effort.

Do you support expanding the Supreme Court? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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