REPORT: 15,000+ Migrant Children Held In U.S. Custody At Southern Border

The U.S. government on Saturday was housing over 15,000 unaccompanied migrant minors, including 5,000 teenagers and children stranded in Border Patrol facilities not designed for long-term custody, according to CBS News.

CBS News was also able to confirm with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) that they are holding an additional 10,500 unaccompanied minors in emergency housing facilities.

The highest surge under President Trump capped at 2,600 in 2019, the Biden Administration has shattered that record.

Since Joe Biden’s January inauguration, illegal border crossings have increased dramatically, with many blaming the reversal of the Trump era policies for the rapid increase.

Videos have gone viral on social media showing migrants crediting Biden’s election as the motivation to their dangerous journey.

ACT for America, a conservative national security organization, tweeted out ABC video footage of migrants explaining why they decided to make the journey to America’s southern border.

Joe Biden has ordered construction on the wall at the border with Mexico to stop. President Trump criticized the move while interviewing with Harris Faulkner on Monday during The Faulkner Focus saying '“violent people are coming into our country”.

Read Full Article Here:

“A lot of very bad people are coming into our country and they are doing nothing about,” said former President Trump.

Congresswoman Van Duyne blasted Pelosi and Biden for the border crisis tweeting that it “wasn’t inherited — it was created.”

Congressmen Lance Gooden tweeted that the daily cost to US Taxpayers was “$800” to shelter migrants.

Do you think there is a crisis at the US-Mexico border? Is 15,000 migrant children in US custody a concerning amount in your opinion? Comment your thoughts below!


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