REPORT: Biden Admin Spending Millions Per Day to Stop Border Wall Construction

President Biden is adamant about stopping the border wall; so much so, he’s spending millions of dollars per day of taxpayer funds to stop it.

“The pause on construction of the border wall costs taxpayers about six million dollars per day while construction sites sit idle,” a high-ranking Homeland Security official told Breitbart Texas recently.

One reason is that the border wall construction stoppage does not eliminate existing agreements with contractors.

“According to the source, the expenditures are required for materials orders placed before the pause and expenses for the cost of equipment sitting idle,” Breitbart reporter Randy Clark reported. “When the issuance of a stop work order causes a contractor to idle equipment, they are entitled to be compensated for rental expenses or costs of ownership.”

Biden had ordered construction on the wall at the border with Mexico to stop. Biden moved quickly once in office to undo almost all of former President Trump’s pro-national security immigration policies.

For example, Biden rescinded enforcement of the “public charge” rule, which makes it harder for immigrants to get on welfare, according to NBC New York.

Biden has also said that “building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution,” despite border experts saying otherwise.

This is one of the actions that has likely encouraged immigrants and asylum seekers to flood the border, in hopes of getting amnesty or asylum from the Biden administration.

As president, Trump pushed to build new parts of the wall or repair others in disrepair.

“The government under Trump completed about 452 miles of border wall since the project began in 2017,” Yahoo News reported.

Conservative leaders have blasted Biden for failing to secure the border.

“We need a border wall, and we need it NOW,” Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz tweeted.

“President Biden halted construction of the border wall and refuses to enforce immigration laws,” Texas Republican Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne tweeted.

“Sorry @SpeakerPelosi, the southern border crisis wasn’t inherited — it was created.”

Why won’t Biden secure our border? Do you believe he is wasting money instead of admitting Trump was right? Let us know below!


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