Rep Lauren Boebert SLAMS Gun Control Push, Calls it “Anti-Woman”

Stalwart Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert slammed gun control as “anti-woman.”

The Democratic Party and far-left activists are trying to exploit the shooting in Boulder and the shooting in Atlanta to reach their ultimate goal of complete gun control and confiscation. 

A Republican Congresswoman slammed their efforts as “anti-woman.”

“The Left’s gun control agenda will affect America’s women more than anyone else,” Colorado Republican Lauren Boebert said on Twitter recently.

“I’m a five foot tall, 100 pound woman. The only way I’m safe to walk around any dangerous liberal city is with an equalizer,” Boebert said. “Gun control is anti-woman.”

Boebert rose to fame when she told failed Democratic presidential and Senate hopeful Beto O’Rourke he should not try to ban guns.

O’Rourke had pushed for gun confiscation as part of his failed run for the presidency.

Do you agree with Congresswoman Boebert? Should Biden stop trying to ban guns? Let us know below!


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