The Border Crisis is Growing, Where is Kamala Harris?

While illegal immigrants flood into our country, VP Kamala Harris has remained largely silent about the crisis.

President Joe Biden flubbed immigration policy in the first several months in office. He encouraged immigrants to come to the US by announcing he would revoke President Trump’s immigration policies.

Now, he has appointed VP Kamala Harris to take over. While it remains unknown how she will do anything differently, there’s an even larger problem; she won’t even talk about the issue.

“President Joe Biden announced [March 24] that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents.” NBC News reported last week.

But where is VP Harris? Lately, she seems more interested in complaining about her mansion, paid for by taxpayers, not being ready for her. While immigrant children sleep crowded together in filthy conditions, Harris is concerned that the new tiles aren’t laid yet in her mansion or that the paint is still drying.

The VP “hasn’t held a formal press briefing since taking office,” Fox News reporter Brian Flood noted on Thursday. “Harris laughed awkwardly last week when asked if she had plans to visit the border, drawing criticism given the seriousness of the situation,” Flood noted.

Meanwhile, the situation rages out of control. “Border Patrol has apprehended more than 150,000 illegal border crossers during the month of March,” NTD reported.

In fact, Harris’ account has not tweeted about the immigration crisis in at least the past week, since being appointed to the role. She did have time to tweet about “transgender” people, though.

Sam Dorman with Fox News reporter further on the problem.

“Since the beginning of the administration and a week after Biden's announcement, Harris has fielded questions from the media but has yet to hold a formal press conference,” Dorman said. “Meanwhile, the border crisis captivated the nation's attention and raised a series of concerns about national security and the stability of the U.S. immigration system as a whole.”

“The overwhelming flow of migrants has led to the viral photos of individuals packed into close quarters despite coronavirus restrictions,” Dorman noted. He pointed out that it raises “questions about two of the Biden-Harris' campaigns central attacks on President Trump.”

The Administration has been clear, even while on the campaign trail, that it intended to tear apart the security policies President Trump had put in place, including rebuilding and building the wall at the border, keeping asylum seekers in other countries when possible (as is international law) and forbidding immigrants from coming here and signing up for welfare.

Our border is out of control, illegal immigrants are flooding our country and children are being left in horrid conditions.

Where is Kamala?

Do you think VP Harris will actually fix the problem? Do you trust her? Tell us below!


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