Pelosi’s vaccinated spokesperson contracts COVID after meeting with absentee Texas Democrats

A number of Texas state politicians met with federal Democrats recently while running away from their job because they opposed an election integrity bill.

A spokesperson for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has contracted COVID after meeting with a number of runaway Texas Democrats.

At least six of the Texans have contracted COVID, and some people have raised the possibility that the meetings have turned into a “super-spreader event.”

“A White House official and a staff member for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have both tested positive for COVID-19 after attending the same reception last week, officials confirmed to Axios,” the news site reported.

According to Pelosi’s office, the staffer was fully vaccinated upon the time of the positive tests.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott promised to track down and arrest the Texas Democrats who left the state in fear of having to do their jobs.

Do you think the Texas Democrats should apologize for potentially spreading COVID? Do you think Speaker Pelosi’s office should apologize for meeting with the runaway Democrats? Comment your thoughts below!


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