New York Times Helped Destroy Life of Teenage Cheerleader Over N-Word, Ignores Hunter Biden’s Use of Word

The left-wing paper helped target a teenage girl over a three-year-old video, but refuses to report on the racism of the president’s son.

The New York Times does not have time to cover the recently revealed racist text messages between Hunter Biden and his white attorney George Mesires. The president’s son used a version of the “N-word” a number of times in his text messages.

Its avoidance of the controversy is curious, since it found time to cover a video that was three-years-old from a teenager who used a similar racial slur as a high schooler. Her classmate Jimmy Galligan held onto the video after first seeing it in 2019, until his classmate was accepted into college before releasing the video, leading to a revokal of her college acceptance.

“Mimi Groves sent a private Snapchat video to a friend in 2016, when she was 15, celebrating her new learner’s permit,” The College Fix reported.

“I can drive, [n-word],” Groves allegedly said.

The New York Times ran a story on it in December 2020, but has yet to run a story on the text messages. It did run three separate stories about Hunter’s memoirs, however.

Do you think the NY Times won’t run a story on the racism of Hunter Biden  because it could harm President Biden? Should Hunter Biden apologize for his racist text messages? Share your comments below!


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