REPORT: Anthony Weiner is back on app that led to his sex offender status

The repeat sex offender confirmed he is back on Confide, a secretive messaging app.

Disgraced former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner and ex-husband of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin has rejoined Confide, an encrypted messaging app, reported.

Weiner has spent time in jail for sending sexually explicit messages to a teenage girl, and infamously sent photos of himself in his underwear to a single mom. He was messaging the teenager using Confide. Weiner is in therapy for sex addiction.

In the first instance from about 10 years ago involving the single mom, he falsely accused Andrew Breitbart of lying about the uncovered messages, but had to apologize.

Do you think Anthony Weiner should be allowed back on the app? Do you think we need to be more careful about letting sex offenders back on tech platforms? Share your thoughts below!


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