GOP Ballots in Pennsylvania County Mislabeled as Democrat

Republican Ballots in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania are being displayed as “Official Democratic Ballot.”

Luzerne County elections are in disarray after Republican voters see “Official Democratic Ballot” displayed on a welcome header before casting their votes. Pennsylvania votes in closed primary elections. Luzerne County operates using Dominion Imagecast X voting machines.

2020 PA-08 Republican Congressional Candidate Jim Bognet released the following statement on social media calling out the failures on Luzerne County’s Primary Election Day failures.

HAZLETON - Today, Jim Bognet, the 2020 Republican Nominee for Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District, issued the following statement following Luzerne County’s Primary Election Day failures:

‘The administration of today’s election in Luzerne County was a fiasco. On yet another Election Day, inexcusable mistakes have been made that cause voters to question the integrity of our voting process. from unacceptable delays in opening the polls to mislabeling Republican ballots as Democrat ballots, Luzerne County’s Election Day is again a laughingstock. This must be fixed. The first step is firing Bob Morgan, a partisan Democrat hack whose previous job was a political appointee of Pelosi lapdog Matt Cartwright. The next step is hiring an experienced election administrator, not another political fixer. The Luzerne County Council should immediately demand County Manager Dave Pedri to take these necessary steps to begin to restore trust in our elections.”

See the original tweet below:

Luzerne County Election Director Bob Morgan said in an interview to local ABC affiliate WNEP a coding error was to blame on the Republican ballot claiming the issue has been happening all over the county of Luzerne.

Republican and possible 2022 congressional candidate Jim Bognet released an earlier tweet blasting the county for their failures stating “This is what happens when you hire a partisan Democrat to run our elections!”

While the issue has persisted throughout the afternoon, voters who wished were able to use a paper ballot to cast their vote which would be counted later in the evening.

Polls in Pennsylvania closed at 8:00 p.m.

Do you prefer to vote using a machine or paper ballot? Share your thoughts below!


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