Biden spends COVID relief dollars on illegal immigrant crisis

President Biden is taking money meant to stockpile healthcare resources to fight COVID and using it on taking care of illegal immigrants.

“The Department of Health and Human Services has diverted more than $2 billion meant for other health initiatives toward covering the cost of caring for unaccompanied immigrant children,” Politico reported.

The left-leaning news outlet noted that the “Biden administration [is grappling] with a record influx of migrants on the southern border.”

Many leftists, you may remember, criticized President Trump for using Department of Defense funds to secure our Southern border, even though building a wall clearly does fit in under the national security mission of the DOD.

“The redirected funds include $850 million that Congress originally allocated to rebuild the nation’s Strategic National Stockpile, the emergency medical reserve strained by the Covid-19 response,” Politico said.

“Another $850 million is being taken from a pot intended to help expand coronavirus testing, according to three people with knowledge of the matter,” the news outlet reported.

President Obama, with Biden as his VP, had depleted the stockpile of resources, leaving the Trump administration having to scramble, a fact often left unreported by the media.

Meanwhile, criminals are surging at the border, as illegal immigrants cross the border, and more are flown around the country to sign up for welfare and move into communities, waiting for an immigration trial that may never happen.

Do you think we need a complete end to illegal immigration? Should we build a wall on the Southern border? Share your thoughts below!


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