REPORT: Bloomberg News Officials Collaborated and Met with Chinese Propagandists

Failed Democratic Party presidential candidate and left-wing politician Michael Bloomberg and his publication colluded with Chinese propagandists for years, according to a new book.

“Michael Bloomberg and his top associates at his namesake news conglomerate, Bloomberg LP, have regularly met in Beijing with top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and propagandists, according to the Chinese government,” Alexander Marlow at Breitbart wrote today.

He has a new book that came out on May 18 that covers this topic.

“According to documents reviewed while researching for this book, these propagandists regulate Bloomberg LP and control the extent to which the former Democrat mega-donor-turned presidential candidate’s business can access the gigantic Chinese market,” Marlow said.

“Michael Bloomberg himself has spoken favorably—even glowingly—about China, President Xi Jinping, and other top Beijing officials. Bloomberg LP seemingly does a lot more business with China than its competitors,” Marlow said.

Should a criminal investigation be opened into Michael Bloomberg? What about Bloomberg News? Share your thoughts below!

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons


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