JUST IN: President Trump to Host Series of Rallies This Summer

Former President Donald Trump will hold a series of rallies this summer as he tests the waters for 2024 and directly challenges Joe Biden’s failed leadership.

President Joe Biden should be very scared of a recent announcement from the Trump team.

Popular former President Donald Trump will be restarting rallies this summer. Trump regularly drew tens of thousands of patriots to his rallies, and even CNN was forced to cover them.

“Former President Trump is expected to resume his signature rallies in June, an adviser confirmed, the latest sign of him becoming increasingly visible and ramping up political activity since leaving office in January,” The Hill reported.

As the Biden-Harris team fails to control inflation, the Southern border and keep America safe, many people will likely be very interested to hear what Trump has to say.

The Middle East meanwhile has collapsed as Biden has seemed more focused on promoting Black Lives Matter’s agenda than leading the country.

“He has spoken publicly only a handful of times — brief sendoff remarks as he left office and a prolonged speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in February,” the Hill noted. 

“Trump has also increasingly given interviews to conservative television and radio hosts,” the Hill said.

His announcement comes as left-wing Republicans try to undermine the party because they do not like that a disruptor like Trump is still very popular. 

The announcement is likely to upset people like Liz Cheney, who recently said she hopes to make the party more like her and less like Trump.

However, President Trump rallied many disaffected Democrats and citizens who rarely voted to turn out for him in 2016 and 2020. 

As president, Trump’s policy helped lead to peace in the Middle East, economic growth and a secure country.

Will you attend a Trump rally this summer? Do you want him to run for president in 2024? Share your thoughts below!


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