David Hogg Leaves Pillow Company He Co-Founded to Compete with Mike Lindell’s MyPillow

Left-wing gun control activist David Hogg announced on Saturday that he would be leaving the pillow company he founded recently to compete with Mike Lindell’s wildly successful company, MyPillow.

On Saturday Hogg used Twitter to let everyone know he is getting out of the pillow company in a long overly dramatic 12 part thread.

We have shared the controversial Hogg’s statement in its entirety below:

A couple weeks ago, a very spontaneous interaction over Twitter between me and William LeGate led to us trying to start a progressive pillow company.

The goal was and still is to create a great pillow that is sustainably produced in domestic unionized factories and have a percentage of those profits benefit progressive social causes.

We were met with immediate and overwhelming support. But I soon realized that given my activism, schoolwork, and family commitments, I could not give 100% to being a full time co-founder at Good Pillow

After many discussions with William and my friends, family and mentors, I made the good faith decision to allow William to bring our vision to life without me.

That vision remains an ethical company that produces products that people need while creating good union paying jobs and supporting social causes at the same time.

I am incredibly appreciative of those family and friends who reached out to support me, and am thankful for those who supported me in this vision.

Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow.

The reasons for my departure rest entirely with me and my own personal commitments and I truly wish Will nothing but the best.

Over the next several months, I will be taking some time to focus on my studies in college and advance the gun violence prevention movement with March For Our Lives and personally.

While now may not be the best time for me, I do deeply believe it is incumbent on our country’s businesses to do no harm and empower the communities in which they serve.

Serving as an advocate and activist is just one (major) part of my life. I do hope to one day shape our global community to become more aware, progressive and equitable through social entrepreneurship and other avenues in the future.

While the tragedy and trauma I experienced does shape me, like many other survivors of gun violence, it is not even close to who I am fully and I am looking forward to using this time to grow myself as an organizer, friend, son, and brother.

After Hogg had announced his decision to help launch a pillow company to compete with Mike Lindell, March for Our Lives co-founder Cameron Kasky called decision, “embarrassing.”

With Hogg already departing the newly formed pillow company after just 2 months, it’s safe to say Mike Lindell has nothing to worry about anytime soon.

Do you think David Hogg is an embarrassment? Are you glad his pillow and bedding company is struggling to gain traction? Do you stand with Mike Lindell? Comment your thoughts below!


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