Chipotle raises menu prices after committing to increase wages

The fast-food company said it had to charge more for food after raising wages.

Chipotle said it is going to raise prices to pay for its goal to offer an average wage of $15 per hour.

“Following a pay increase announcement last month, touting an average of $15 per hour for employees by the end of June, the company now plans to raise menu prices across the board by 3.5 percent to 4 percent,” Fox 8 reported.

“And the intent there was to basically cover the dollar cost of the increase in wages,” Jack Hartung, an executive with the company, said at a recent conference. “Okay, not to protect margin, but to cover the dollar cost.”

Liberal Democrats including Bernie Sanders have pushed for a $15 per hour minimum wage while dismissing economic analyses that have concluded it would lead to job loss.

Do you think a higher minimum wage will harm the economy? Do you think we are going to see continuing problems with inflation? Share your thoughts below!


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