Husband of Ashli Babbitt Filing Suit for Identity of Officer Who Shot & Killed His Wife

The husband of Ashli Babbitt wants to know who shot dead his wife.

Pro-Trump Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by an unidentified Capitol Police officer on January 6.

Yet, despite the insistence on Democrats to learn what happened on January 6, the federal government has shielded the police officer.

She was shot while attempting to climb through one of those windows, behind which a number of officers were barricaded.

Maybe not for long.

“In a complaint filed in D.C. Superior Court last week, Aaron Babbitt, who lives in San Diego, California, claims the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department has failed to comply with the D.C. Freedom of Information Act,” WUSA 9 reported. “The complaint was filed by Terrell Roberts, an attorney with the Maryland-based law firm Roberts & Wood, which has been representing the Babbitt family.”

“In an interview with WUSA9 last month, Roberts said the family planned to file a $10 million wrongful death lawsuit against the Capitol Police – saying they viewed Babbitt as having been murdered,” WUSA said.

“In the eyes of her family? Of course she was,” Terry Roberts, the family’s attorney said.. “I mean, there was just no legal justification to take her life.”

“She was shot while attempting to climb through one of those windows, behind which a number of officers were barricaded,” WUSA noted.

Her death has been shrouded in secrecy and the police have sought to hide what happened that day.

Should the police officer be identified and fired? Do you think the federal government is hiding something? Share your thoughts below!


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