Catholic Priest: Biden is the Most Aggressively Anti-Catholic President in History

Father Jerry Pokorsky, a Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Arlington called President Biden the, “Most Aggressively Anti-Catholic President in History” in an essay penned on Catholic Culture titled In Gratitude for Joe Biden.

“For most of his political life — from his consistent pro-abortion record to his officiating at a gay wedding in 2016 — despite his Catholic affiliation and public pious practices, Joe Biden has magnified and institutionalized countless major violations of the Ten Commandments,” the Virginia Priest wrote in his essay that was published February 26th.

Father Pokorsky called out Biden out for his hypocrisy stating that it rivaled, “that of the chief priests and Pharisees and is worthy of the same condemnation. Indeed, Biden is the most aggressively anti-Catholic President in history.

A large part of Pokorsky’s criticism was centered around Biden’s stature as the most powerful man in the world and his constant public displays showing his “devotion” to the Catholic Church.

“As perhaps the most powerful man in the world, Biden’s insistent claim that he is a devout Catholic forces an unavoidable choice. We either: stand with the Church and her sacraments and reject Biden’s iconic culture-of-death policies, or we join those who celebrate Biden’s flouting of Church teaching” the Virginia priest concluded.

Pokorsky also blasted the newly elected President for his support for Abortion and Roe v Wade, “In less than a month after his inauguration, he issued a statement celebrating the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. He said he is “committed to codifying” the decision that legalized abortion. He promised he will be “appointing judges that respect foundational precedents like Roe.” He rescinded the pro-life Mexico City Policy, which ensured that foreign aid would not go to organizations that perform or refer for abortions.”

Father Pokorsky concluded that “The election of Biden has forced a crisis.”

“From the ashes, we can expect the Holy Spirit to raise up successors to those who opposed another anti-Catholic tyrant: Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More.”

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