REPORT: Biden Admin is spending $87 million on hotels for illegal immigrants

The Biden Administration is spending $87 million on hotels for illegal immigrants, despite high-quality facilities having plenty of room.

The Biden Administration has completely botched the handling of the immigration situation in the United States.

But it is costing U.S. taxpayers more than just the increased costs on welfare and other social services

“The Biden administration has spent $87 million to put families in seven hotels across Arizona and Texas rather than place them in similar permanent family facilities, according to two people familiar with the administration’s plans,” the Washington Examiner reported.

“A massive immigration holding center in Texas is hardly being used amid the worsening border situation as the Biden administration instead opts to dole out multimillion, taxpayer-funded contracts to house families in hotel,” reporter Anna Giaritelli said.

Giaritelli spoke to sources who said they believe that Biden does not want the optics issue of putting families in government-run facilities.

“Karnes County Family Residential Center is far better equipped to hold hundreds of families even amid the coronavirus pandemic but claimed Biden officials are making a ‘PR play’ and are concerned about the ‘optics’ of holding people at a facility that is operated by a for-profit group,” Giaritelli reported.

The Karnes facility has space. “Karnes is less than 20% full, two people confirmed,” the Washington Examiner reported. The use of taxpayer funds to house illegal immigrants in hotels is just another sign of how the Biden Administration has botched the immigration situation.

Illegal immigrants continue to surge the southern border, creating a public health and national security issue.

Do you believe Biden should spend American taxpayer dollars to put illegal immigrants in hotels? Do you think he should admit he has failed? Share your thoughts below!


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