6th Accuser Comes Forward Against Governor Cuomo

Another accuser has emerged in the ongoing scandal plaguing the Cuomo Administration, the unnamed woman coming forward is reportedly a current staffer in the Executive Chamber.

Staff inside the administration reported the incident which the governor’s office promptly referred to New York’s Attorney General.

The Albany Times Union was the first media group to report the new accusation against Cuomo.

The Times Union did not name the accuser but they have confirmed the accuser is an employee for the Governor’s Office.

The reported incident allegedly occurred inside the Governor’s Mansion and took place last year.

The claim states that Governor Cuomo touched her inappropriately according to the Times Union.

The Governor’s office has not yet responded directly to the sixth accusation being made public.

As of Tuesday, Governor Cuomo has refused to resign despite members of his political party calling for it.

Of the six accusers, four are either current or former staff members.


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