WATCH: Tim Scott BLASTS MSNBC's Joy Reid For Racist Remarks Made About Him

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) ripped MSNBC’s Joy Reid while interviewing on Fox News Tuesday night over racist remarks she made about the Senator earlier in the week.

“Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy. We need to take that seriously,” said Senator Tim Scott. “When she calls a United States Senator who’s a subject matter expert a prop, a token, or a superficial covering, that’s personal and that’s wrong and she should be held to account.”

MSNBC’s Joy Reid made the controversial comment while discussing Scott’s presence during Senator John Thune’s (R-SD) statement against the $15 minimum wage hike.

“You’ve got to love Tim Scott standing there to provide the patina of diversity over that round of words, that basket full of words,” Reid said during her show.

“Patina” of course was Reid’s way of calling Senator Tim Scott a “prop” or a “token.”

Senator Scott fired back at Joy Reid and the video footage is embedded below:

This is not the first time Senator Scott has found himself on the receiving end of racial attacks from members of the left. As the only Black American Republican US Senator, Scott faces immense backlash on a regular basis. As a whole, high profile black conservatives have faced immense criticism over the last several decades due to the public pressure to be a Democrat.

Do you believe MSNBC should punish Joy Reid for her comments made about Senator Tim Scott? Do you agree with Senator Scott’s rebuttal to Reid? Do you think conservative Black Americans are treated unfairly by the press? Comment your thoughts below!


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