21 State Attorney Generals Sue Biden Over Keystone XL Permit Denial

President Biden promised unity, but his decision to ban further construction of the Keystone XL pipeline has led to a federal lawsuit from twenty-one states.

The Biden administration has been hit with a federal lawsuit over its decision to revoke the permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline. Biden withdrew the permit as part of his pledge to promote green energy and start to implement AOC’s job-killing Green New Deal.

“A group of 21 Republican state attorneys general filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against President Joe Biden’s administration over its decision to nix the Keystone XL Pipeline,” the Daily Caller reported. States including Texas and Montana joined in the lawsuit.

“This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role to the detriment of Montanans,” Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen said, according to the Daily Caller.

Knudsen blasted the permit revocation as an “empty virtue signal to [Biden’s] wealthy coastal elite donors.”

The lawsuit points out that the pipeline would “transport approximately 830,000 barrels of oil” from Canada to Texas, where the lawsuit was filed.

President Trump had approved the 1.2 miles of the pipeline that crosses the U.S. border, the only part of the pipeline that is actually under federal jurisdiction because it occurs at a border of two countries.

“[A]s far as domestic law is concerned, the President must work with and abide by the limits set by Congress—whether he likes them or not,” the lawsuit said.

South Dakota is one state involved in the lawsuit. Its governor, conservative hero Kristi Noem, praised the lawsuit.

“The Keystone XL Pipeline would've benefitted South Dakota towns for decades,” Noem said on Twitter. “It would've brought jobs, growth to small businesses, and funding for local schools.”

“South Dakota joined the lawsuit to overturn President Biden's misguided decision,” the governor said.

As pointed out by Noem, the Keystone Pipeline freeze will harm U.S. jobs and crush small businesses.

"My husband and I, we were both going to be able to have the opportunity to work on the Keystone," said in an interview with Fox News. "That was going to be my first job back as a helper after having our little boy."

“Labor groups have said Biden's day one decision to nix the Keystone pipeline quickly eliminated 1,000 union jobs and could kill 10 times more in construction jobs that were expected to be created by the project,” Fox News also reported.

Do you support the lawsuit? Do you trust Biden to create “green jobs”? Tell us below!


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