Twitter temporarily suspends Spanish politician who said men cannot have babies

Twitter continues to push its leftist agenda, punishing a politician for stating that men cannot birth children.

Leftists claim to be “pro-science” but in reality, many of them deny basic biological facts that we all learned in 5th-grade sex ed classes.

That seems to be the case with some liberal Twitter employee, sorry, “the algorithm,” that punished a Spanish politician who said only women can have babies.

“Francisco José Contreras, deputy to [a Spanish conservative political party], was locked out of his Twitter account for 12 hours last week after saying ‘a man cannot get pregnant’ because they have ‘no uterus or eggs,’" Fox News reported.

“According to Twitter, Contreras violated its policy against material that threatens, harasses, or fosters violence against other people on the basis of their race, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, age, disability or disease,” Fox News reported.

The conservative news site said that Twitter ordered him to “fix the problem” with his account, which appears to only have consisted of stating something that would be found in any biology textbook.

Twitter, naturally, declined to comment to Fox.

“You can see this is already fascist biology,” Contreras wrote on Facebook. “Next time I'll try 2 + 2 = 4.”

Big Tech censorship is real, and hard leftists employees have regularly targeted conservatives and people expressing anything disapproved of by Silicon Valley.

Joe Biden was the top recipient of Twitter donations for the 2020 elections, according to the

“Twitter employees and their family members contributed $689,000 in the 2020 election cycle, mostly to Democrat presidential candidates,” reported.

“Aside from top recipient Joe Biden, who received $157,000, no other candidates received outsized donations. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders each received between $30,000 to $46,000.”

Should there be a federal investigation into Twitter’s censorship? Have you moved over to alternative social media platforms? Share your thoughts below!


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