Colorado to begin allowing illegal migrants to obtain professional licenses

Previously, professional licenses in Colorado have had strict rules against being given to illegal residents. However, in sanctuary state Colorado, illegal ‘migrants’ are being rewarded with professional license opportunities, thus funneling them into white-collar US jobs.

After reportedly being lobbied by open borders and amnesty advocate Mark Zuckerberg, Colorado will implement a new law that rewards illegal immigrants.

“Immigrant organizations and undocumented people living in Colorado chalked up a win for a brighter future under Senate Bill 21-077,” Denver 7 reported. “On Friday, Gov. Jared Polis signed the bill into law, which will allow immigrants to pursue a professional career despite their legal status.”

“The bill eliminates the requirement of legal status to obtain a license, certification or registration in fields like education, health, childcare and more,” according to the local news station.

As Democrats, Big Business and leftist groups aim to bring in millions of illegal immigrants and keep illegal aliens here, they are likely to use the new professional licenses as an argument for keeping people here. “How are you going to deport an attorney,” we can imagine them saying.

The effort was pushed by, the pro-amnesty and pro-open borders group funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, according to Breitbart.

“Today, there are anywhere between 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S., costing Americans about $134 billion annually, with about eight million holding American jobs. Nearly 200,000 illegal aliens reside in Colorado,” the conservative news site noted.

Should Mark Zuckerberg stop pushing for open borders? Shouldn’t we prioritize law-abiding American citizens ahead of illegal immigrants? Share your thoughts below!


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