Virginia Little League Coaches Will Be Forced to Undergo “Anti-Racism” Trainings

Alexandria, Virginia Little League told coaches via email that they will be REQUIRED to cancel practices on May 24 and take a “Sports Can Battle Racism” diversity course.

The “Sports Can Battle Racism” workshop includes themes ranging, from how to create a “Caring Climate" to "Model Anti-Racist Behavior."

Attendees are trained to perceive their own "internalized racism" and look for "potential institutional racism" in their community, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Donald Trump Jr. shared his take on the issue on Twitter by asking, “how many great coaches will drop out of these programs because they don’t want to be a part of the Wolk [sic] indoctrination process?”

A program spokeswoman told the Washington Free Beacon that the courses can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000.

Alexandria little league parent Barry Bennett is not supportive of the course requirement, telling the Free Beacon, “This is Little League, everyone plays in every game. This is a bunch of busybodies virtue signaling. Leave ten-year-olds alone.”

Do you think woke indoctrination in sports is out of control? Should coaches speak up and demand the course requirement be dropped?


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