Retired NFL Player Says Transgender Athletes Should Be Put In Separate Division

According to former NFL player Marcellus Wiley, transgender athletes should be put into their own division of competition so that biological males are not competing in female leagues.

“As a father of 3 daughters & the husband to a former collegiate athlete, this hits home in a special way. It’s time to create a separate transgender category in competition! Also think it’s time for me to start a podcast bcuz some things need to be discussed in detail!” tweeted Wiley.

Due to one of Biden’s executive orders, schools that receive federal funding must allow biological males to compete in women’s divisions or else the school will lose their funding.

It appears that Wiley is in support of a transgender division after a twitter user suggested there should only be men and women categories and Wiley responded with “I’m hearing that pushback. But, is that respecting all? That’s what I want to dive into.”

Idaho Governor Brad Little signed a bill last year stating that biological males will not be able to compete in female divisions, a law that is in direct conflict with Biden’s executive order.

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