WATCH: Thousands of Prisoners Leaving Kabul Jail After Being Freed By Taliban

President Joe Biden has botched the evacuation of Afghanistan, empowering Islamic terrorists to run the country.

Video has emerged that reportedly shows prisoners being let out of jail by the Taliban.


It’s the latest example of how the Taliban has caused chaos in the country, as the Biden team and his “woke” generals failed to pull out properly.

“Amidst the litany of security, humanitarian, and diplomatic crises emerging from the Biden-Harris Administration's chaotic withdrawal process in Afghanistan, we write concerning widespread media reporting that the Taliban has released thousands of prisoners from detention facilities, including the Pul-e-Charkhi prison in Kabul and at Bagram Air Base,” Republican leaders said in a recent statement.

Do you think President Biden needs to apologize for his botched handling of Afghanistan? Do you think we need to let in hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees? Share your thoughts below!


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